
Schlüter®-BARA-RTKE/-RTKEG are Finishing profiles for the exposed edges of covering assemblies on balconies and terraces with Finished sloped screeds. Schlüter®-BARA-RTKE is especially suited for assemblies with the bonded drainage mat Schlüter®-DITRA-DRAIN. The perforated outer edges give the outer perimeter of Tiled areas a neat appearance. In addition, the profile covers the exposed edges of the bonded drainage mat Schlüter®-DITRA-DRAIN, which is installed under the covering. The cross section of the profile openings is sufficiently Large to guarantee drainage and ventilation. The trapezoid perforated anchoring leg of Schlüter®-BARA-RTKE is attached to the exposed edges with a dry Set Tile Adhesive. The bonded waterproofing mat Schlüter®- KERDI is installed over the perforated anchoring leg and the Adhesive flange of the profile with the sealing Adhesive Schlüter®- KERDI-COLL. If trowel applied bonded waterproofing products are used, the corresponding installation instructions of the manufacturer must be observed. Schlüter®-BARA-RTKEG is designed for assemblies with the bonded uncoupling membrane Schlüter®-DITRA 25. The closed outer edges give the outer perimeter of Tiled areas a neat appearance. The bottom edge of the vertical anchoring leg of Schlüter®-BARA-RTKE/-RTKEG includes a T-shaped profile chamber for the attachment of the Schlüter®-BARIN gutter system. Elongated holes in the Schlüter®-BARIN gutter system allow for sloping the gutter assembly.